Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deep Observations...by Me on Kiss n' Ride

Before I begin my next deep observation, I wish to address my sister's comment on how fortunate we are in Calgary with our transit system. My last blahg was not 'dissing' the traffic, it was dissing the pedestrians, and from what I saw, they don't lollygag across the street in India. LOL

Now with that taken care of, let me explain the intricacies of the various modes of transport in our fair city of Calgary.

We have, at everyone's disposal should they use it, the Calgary Transit - which is composed of the light rail system and the transit buses. You can get to just about any place in the city, and to give them kudos (though many would disagree) compared to alot of places I've been to, it works pretty well.

If you are taking the train, you need to actually get to the station. This means by walking, biking, taking a bus, parking your vehicle at the station (good luck with that) and then taking the train, or being dropped off by a loved one.

The last two instances are commonly known as Park n' Ride, and Kiss n' Ride.
Unless you are at the station to park before approximately 7:15 am, you won't be doing any parking because there will not be any of the over 700 spots left. Your best bet is to have your mother/boyfriend/spouse drop you at the curb....which brings me to the deep observation for today...

As I am dropping off my husband at the Kiss n' Ride (bye Honey, mwah, have a nice day), I notice the vehicle in front of me. They pulled up to the curb, the driver gets out, grabs his briefcase and walks to the station. Wait a second, you can't leave your vehicle there....but no! Out of the passenger side, the woman (I'm assuming the wife, cause I don't think the mistress would stand for it) goes around to the driver's side, closes the door and drives off. NOW - what does that say to me? Gee Honey, I love you but I don't trust your driving...or hey my car is like my remote and there's no way you're getting ahold of it til i'm gone. I fail to see the point, really.
So I let my husband out, and as I pull away I look in my rearview mirror and holy crap!!! there's another one doing the same thing. Are these women wacked?

I am grateful that my husband does not seem to have this affliction, because when it comes down to it, if he did, he would not be getting the kiss... just the ride - on the end of my boot.


Unknown said...


Joanne said...

I know it takes a while for me recently to get in and read Danie and your blogs....
As I was reading I started to laugh because as much as I would love to say I am a good driver I am a nervous one so maybe I would be one of those other women you wrote about... but then on the other hand I think he would also get the boot drive from me as well...

Keep up with your blogs love reading them even though I am slow at times....

Love Jo