Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cherr-eee, Cherry Blossom

This is a picture which I took this spring of one of the trees I have in my back yard. While I was taking it I was thinking - "I wonder what kind of tree that is???"

I have a huge crabapple tree, a few cedars and apparently two nanking cherry bushes.

Really? I had no idea...that is until my neighbor, Terri, informed me.

"Are you aware that those are nanking bushes you have in the backyard?" I looked back with a vexed expression. "Reeeeaallly?" Truly. Right now my mother is shaking her head in shame. I will be the first to admit that I am NOT a green thumb.

"They make great jam."

"Help yourself" I said. "I know I won't be making any jam any time soon!" Again with the head shaking I'm sure...

Now I'm reminded of the saying, what goes around comes around. Yesterday as Paden and I were getting home from the library, I run into Terri. "I have a few bottles of jam for you to sample". So I'm thinking, that is SO nice of her. "That wasn't necessary, but I'm so glad you did", I laughed.

"Would you like to snag some of the crabapples?" I joked, thinking maybe there might just be a bottle of apple jelly in my future...hahahaha...I think the cherries was enough Martha Stewarting for her for one season.

This morning I had toasted english muffins with homemade cherry jam on top...scrump-d-lee-licious. Thanks Terri, you can come over and raid my cherry tree anytime!!


Unknown said...

No food posts!



Lise said...

Jam isn't food!!! it's accessories LOL