Monday, October 29, 2007

When to Turn a Blind Eye

Okay Girls, help me out here.
When it comes to being a woman, there is an unspoken bond that you don't let another woman walk around with toilet paper stuck to her shoe...

Such an instance happened to me this weekend as my husband and I were knoshing at Montana's...

This woman walks by, and as she passes me, I notice a piece of toilet paper sticking out of the waistband of her pants! (insert eye roll here)...Does she not realize, I mean, how could she not realize there is a piece of paper stuck to your touche??!!!

So I leave my table, walk over to where she is dining with a friend, put my hand gently on her shoulder and softly say, 'excuse me, but you've got toilet paper stuck on your pants...'

She gasped, and said 'holy crap!!!' (swear to God)... and tried to see behind her.
To which I said, 'no, I don't think there's any crap, but there definitely is toilet paper'....

I thought her friend was going to split a gut!!! true story.

.....and then there's the extreme.
A few weeks ago, a few coworkers and I decided to pub it for lunch.
We grabbed a high table, and off to the right and down a booth were four women having lunch. (I swear that it's my luck this only ever happens to me.) I casually glance over only to realize that one of the women is sitting rather indelicately and showing the entire world what her mamma gave her....oy.

I got up from my chair, took a step towards her table.....
and promptly sat so my back was to her.

I may be a member of the ya-ya sisterhood, but that would have been way above and beyond the call of duty.


Joanne said...

The toilet tissue yes the other one heck no... back to her is the only way... Love Jo

Unknown said...

Hilarious! You would think a woman would know when her britney is hanging out!