Monday, October 15, 2007

Middle Finger Monday

I heard this on the radio this morning, and thought how appropo.

I hit the snooze one too many times.
No toilet paper on the roll.
I forgot that Mark would be needing a ride to work (he was at home all last week, studying for his CMA exam, but he would probably have been home anyway since he's a sickie...still.)
Paden was in a snit because he couldn't find the bottoms to his zip shorts and he wanted to wear them since it was going to be warm this afternoon, and no he didn't want to wear the long sleeve shirt, it had to be a very specific short sleeve shirt.
Oy, what a divo.
My dress pants weren't where I expected them to be.
Paden needed to kiss the cat goodbye.
I needed my Design, Operations and Maintence binder so I could study at lunch.
Mark didn't have time to grab a coffee.
Paden didn't want the green apples he wanted the red...and cut it puh-leez.
I didn't have time for breakfast.
Mark had to pack Paden's breakfast.

Leaving 5 minutes late on my end, is like a curling game.
Let me explain.
If you miss the broom on your shot by one inch, that equates to probably two feet down at the other end.
Leaving 5 minutes late on my end, equates to about 15 on the other end.
Leaving 15 minutes late on my end, well you do the math.
Not to mention that I'm pretty sure (at least it felt like it) I hit every red light on the way to work.

Is it Friday yet?


Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

Just think... the rest of the week can only be all UPHILL from here!!
(I mean it can only get better!)
Here's a tip: when I used to work, I made lunches for the next day while I cooked supper... made my morning go so much easier.

Unknown said...

What's Tuesday? Two Middle Fingers Tuesday! Woo!

Lise said...

don't go there.