Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Under the Tree

Christmas, is after all, for the kiddies.
I say this all the time, but I really could care less if I never received one present under the tree, my joy is seeing the reaction of the people I have given presents to.

Sometimes due to logistics or distance, a gift certificate is the best choice, but when you can, something well thought out and from the heart wins hands down every time.

What girl doesn't like a pony???

"Ooooohhhhh, it's a PO-NEEE!!!!" That make it all worth while for me. I was surprised at that, considering I think the poor dear was still half asleep!

The funny thing is at that time my mother-in-law was in the process of making a fabulous fruit salad while this was going on, and somehow the pony got named 'Grapefruit'.

I have absolutely no comeback for that one!

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