Most people who know me will attest to my inability (or desire) to be politically correct most times.
Sometimes that does work in my favor, other times - not so much.
I was speaking to my sister today about being on 'this side of the pond' for Christmas.
We got into the discussion about how much more 'Christmas' friendly they seem to be everywhere else except in North America...heaven forbid someone actually says 'Merry Christmas' outloud.
Every year, I can't wait, I mean, really, really can not wait to be able to wish someone, anyone, a Merry Christmas. I love it. And you know what??? So do they.
Starting December 1, out it comes....'Merry Christmas' the gas station, the grocery store, the bank, you name it...the salon, the mall, the convenience store, the coffee shop.
'Thank you...and Merry Christmas'... sometimes it's funny to see the looks on people's faces.
I love it.
You say it....then you get the double take....then slowly, ever so slowly the smile appears and gets bigger and wider...they give a quick nod and then say, 'yes! Merry Christmas to you too!'
The way I see it, life's too bloody short to worry about 'offending' someones otherwise delicate sensibilities on saying Merry Christmas....
Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, Best of the Season to you....screw that marshmallow wimpy way out!!!! Strap on a set of jingle balls!!!
Be loud, be proud...'Merry Christmas to All!!!!'...after all, 'tis the season....whether you're politically correct or not....and while I'm at it Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Feliz Navidad and Joyeux Noel.