Friday, October 26, 2007

A Shot in the Dark

I was watching Rick Mercer's Monday Report (love him) and he did a great spoof of the Health Canada's attempt to vaccinate people for the latest flu shot. Apparently, there's just so many bugs out there, it's pretty difficult to predict which strain will be hitting at what time. It's kind of like a 'thanks for coming out' thing.

The company I work for was giving free flu shots to anyone wanting to be vaccinated. So, being the masochist that I am, I signed up. But as I'm getting jabbed this morning, I can't help but wonder - does this thing really work? I mean, they could probably put sugar water in it and would I really know the difference?

So wanting to know more, I asked the nurse.
Apparently it's a crap shoot....c'mon baby, big bucks no whammies!!!! Seriously. They don't 'know' for sure, they take a best guess....hmmmmm, let's pick this one, and um, this one...ooooo and how bout this one over here??!!

But even though that strain 'might' not be the one hitting when Health Canada thought it would/might, the vaccine that you 'did' get injected with does build up antibodies so it should help. Uh, yeah. Sure.

Imagine that. Our tax dollars at their best.

I think I'll go buy a lotto ticket.

1 comment:

Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

Well, the only thing I can tell you is that since we (the kids &I) have been getting the flu shot... there has been a lot less illness in our house. We have lived in Alberta for over 2 years and I have yet to take the kids to a doctor or a medi centre for anything. Ron doesn't take the time to get a flu shot and he was the only one in our family who was sick last winter with a viral infection that left him flat on his back for a week. If anything, it may prime your immune system to handle other infections better. Both my kids have never had antibiotics either. Also, my Dad has some serious health issues, and if we are sick, he can't come to visit, so I will do anything to AVOID that!