Monday, October 1, 2007

Deep Me on Autumn Leaves

Ah favorite time of the year. Although, I have to say, that it's a bit lacking from the Maritime autumns with the reds of the maples. *sigh*...I get a bit homesick this time each year.

We live in an older neighbor and are blessed/cursed with lovely deciduous trees in our front yard. There's a bit of a curve on our street, so as you come down the block and around the curve, there are beautiful yellow leaves on the road, on the lawn, on the roof.

My next door neighbor, Aaron, who incidentally could also be used as an example in my 'keener' blahg, has already raked his yard once. We came home, looked at his lawn and exclaimed, oh my goodness there's actually green under there!! Aaron, buddy, you're making us all look bad.

Now why is it that the trees that bow above his lawn are naked, while our lawn still being chalk full of leaves, still has every full boughed tree in front of our house?

I believe that Murphy is having a good laugh about this one.

On the upside, there are two tweeners in the neighborhood that are, i'm sure, going to do quite well in business one day because they are making a killing raking the lawns in the neighborhood.

My problem, is that although we raked our lawn last year (multiple times), one of the neighbors did not, and as a result, the leaves all seemed to have migrated to our yard. Go figure.

Ah well, maybe we should try and make some money doing a commercial for 'ParticipAction'.

Leave it to us....hahaha, get it?....leave it?.....I crack me up!

1 comment:

Unknown said...