Thursday, August 9, 2007

In Transit

Let me just say that never again will I complain about transit problems in Calgary. When comparing transit from there to what they have in Chennai, well, it just does not compare. While on my morning commute to work, the only real thing I worry about is slow traffic. Everyone drives in their own lane, uses turning signals (for the most part), merges efficiently and waves to thank you for letting them in the lane. There is no such thing here in Chennai.

To say chaotic would be putting it mildly. There are no Dodge 3500 supercabs taking up space here. Most of the transit consists of bicycles, autorickshaws, motorcycles, ox driven carts, and your run-of-the-mill cars. There is no such thing as a 'lane', although there are markings on the pavement, my sister insists that it is 'merely a suggestion' - one that is not taken very seriously let alone consistently. And everybody, and I mean everybody, has a horn and isn't afraid to use it.

I thought it was funny because the only time we lay on the horn in Canada other than the occasional 'flip the bird' is when we're in a wedding procession! Even in to the late night, from my sister's house, you can hear the honking. Does anyone actually hear the horns anymore? My sister's driver insists that he doesn' what's the point?

Traffic in Chennai, with the exception of the traffic lights, is a free for all. There are no helmets (well, very few), no restriction on how many ride on a cycle, and cows have the right of way. It amazes me that I don't see more traffic fatalities here, but it seems to work for Chennaians. To think of the same chaos in Calgary, well let's just say, I don't think our hospitals could keep up with the bodies.

Having only been here for less than a week, I can surprisingly say, that I've already grown accustomed to it. That statement boggles my mind.

Now I understand our taxi drivers.

PS...This is the video until the very end. The ending is my favorite part :)


Unknown said...

I'm totally linking this post to my blog. Well done!

Unknown said...

SUPER!!!!!! you got the nack for this. that young lad is a hoot. croovy for sure. we played the video over and over and laughted soo much. i spoke with your hubby and son last nite. they are having tooo much fun with out you. meat loaf in a muffin tin..ohhh yaw!! love u much..xx00mom...enjoy..