Monday, November 5, 2007

Fall Back Spring Ahead

Daylight Saving Time

what a load of malarky...I fail to see the benefit.
At least I wasn't late/early for anything this weekend. Although it seems that I reminded anyone I came across 'don't forget to turn your clocks back on Saturday'...geez, I must have sounded like a looney tune.

I mean, really, come on. Why do we have to do this in the first place???
It's dark at 5:30 at night!
It was nice to be able to see where i was going this morning, but I'd rather have the light at the end of the day.

Make a 'vee' with your thumb and forefinger, put them together to get the big 'W' in, WHATEVER!


Unknown said...

Didn't it originally start to save power? I dunno.

We haven't changed time here in Chennai, I'm not sure if we ever will. No idea.

Don't I sound intelligent? I dunno, no idea. Whatever.

Unknown said...

ok ladies..none of the ...WHATEVER...FIRST YOU ARE NOTTT doing the eye thing and second i am the only one that has that down to a science...eye roll...whatever..gottt that ahhh..xx00moom