Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

So we’re sitting on the couch watching the nomination race between Clinton and Obama. We have the station tuned to CNN (the cat is going wacko for the little light that scrolls through the CNN logo at the bottom left of the tele – what can I say??? Cheap entertainment!)
The show has Anderson Cooper talking with all these political pundits – is the race over for Hilary? Does Obama have what it takes??? Talk about flogging a dead horse already!!! I don’t know how Americans can stay SO involved in politics for that long in one stretch…but I digress….
So we’re watching Anderson – he’s lookin’ smart, he’s lookin’ good, he’s asking the tough questions when out of the blue, my five year old son asks,
“Mom – is this a game show?”

How do I answer that with a straight face???
You don’t know how close you are buddy!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Anderson Cooper is the new Bob Barker. Love it!