Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lost in Translation


I really do not like phones. If it was my druthers, I wouldn't have a phone/cell phone. Sad thing, alot of my job deals with phones - either talking on it, dishing out of phones, setting up of phone contracts, answering questions about our get the idea.

I'm the type of person that would rather have a little 'face time',rather than try to explain or have something explained to me, over the phone.

Case in point: I had to call this one particular service twice today to obtain clarification on something, and twice I linked in to an operator that was very hard to understand (how's that for politically correctedness???). And while I can appreciate the effort made on the part of the customer service agent, it irks me to no end when I cannot comprehend what it is that they are trying to tell me - usually by this time I'm confused enough and the last thing I need is to being saying 'excuse me?' 'Excuse me?' 'I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time to hear you properly'....

Uh. No. It's not my native tongue is english - unfortunately when it comes to operated assisted services, these days - their native tongue is, well - native.


Unknown said...

Welcome to my life.

Joanne said...

and to my world... try getting something fixed from RCA and see where you get... not very far I have to say...

Diane Mandy said...

I'm not a phone person either. With automated answering services (press 1 for this 2 for that), instnat message, e-mail, etc, it seems we almost never talk face-to-face anymore!