Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pearls of Wisdom...


Today I lose my wisdom (what little I have).

Actually it's my wisdom teeth...they are getting extracted today.

Extracted. It sounds like such a benign little word. I, on the other hand, have the bugs bunny version playing in my head where they yank your mouth open as wide as the river Jordan and come at you with a circular saw. It always seems funnier in the cartoons.

Well, at least I can take comfort in the knowledge that although I might lose my wisdom, I'll still most likely be considered a smart mouth.


Montreal Monique said...

ohh your so lucky they knocked you out!! I was only frozen to get mine out...and heard everything...yuck!! lol

Unknown said...

Did u not know ..they can not take ..WISDOM AWAY..YOU..were bron a very wise child.. I can vouch for that...take care..xx00mom