Thursday, March 6, 2008

It Only Hurts When I Laugh

'Come on, wake up - you have to wake up'.

That was the voice of the little nurse I heard yesterday coming out of my anaesthetic. Talk about getting knocked for a loop! That was some pretty good knock out drugs. From what she said, they had to double me out to get me knocked out - imagine that.

Needless to say, Mark was concerned that it was taking me so long to come out of surgery.
I don't remember the drive home. I slept most of the day away.

Today I'm much more cognizant, however, in alot more pain now that all the freezing has worn off. I feel like I've gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson without the benefit of the boxing gloves.

I'm hoping that I'll eventually have enough of an appetite to try a bit to eat this evening. So far, it's been a liquid delish -ugh.


Unknown said...

I've had enough dental surgery that I actually have a system for this...sad, huh? I recommend wonton soup.

I'm glad it's over for you.

Joanne said...

I hope you are feeling better today....huggies

Unknown said...

OHH I would love to be there to make a nice broth for u. Hope u have something for pain...Get a lot of rest...and feel well soon ..xx00mom..You look cute in your bed ha ha ..