Thursday, May 21, 2009

...Wait!!! I'll Save You!!!.....

Thanks to the knowledgeable folks over at St. John's Ambulance, I have been recertified with First Aid / CPR / AED training level C. If you're not paying attention and slice your thumb on a rotary saw, I can save you AND your thumb...if you're stupid enough to give your infant smarties and they start choking, I can save your baby AND give you a slap upside the head and then treat you for concussion....if you're out skiing and some idiot runs over your leg breaking the tibia, I can splint you AND get you to the hospital with a smile on your face....If you dump scalding oil on your arm, I can run you under cool water (and no mom, no butter on the burn!!!!)...I CAN save you!!!!

Of all the training courses I've been on in the last few years, it's nice to say it's something you know, but I sure hope I never have to use it.

Hey, as long as it's not my blood, I'm good to go!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ohh I think you can be a Dr. now !!!xx00Funny..