Friday, July 18, 2008

Between The Rock and a Hard Case says Sean Connery in the motion picture movie 'The Rock' (which, by the way, is a fun movie to watch - you've still got it Sean!)

We did the kitchy tourist thing and took the ferry over to Alcatraz. Leave it to the Americans to turn something dark and sinister into a tourist attraction...that being said, of course, I purchased many an 'appropo' Alcatraz tin cup for myself and my coworkers (nothing like 'stickin' it to the Man'!)

Alcatraz is an incredible place. The audio tour was fantastic, and I highly recommend this tour - especially for any parents trying to scare a little straight into their kids!


Unknown said...

When we were there, we bought a book that our librarian had recommended. HeHeelys loved it so much, I decided to read it too. I think I loved it even more. The title is "Al Capone Does My Shirts." Fantastic!

Lise said...

I was wondering about that book...i'll have to check it out at the library.