Friday, February 29, 2008

Deep Me on Human Nature

You've no doubt experienced this situation first hand:

You're telling someone about something, and they 'one up you'.
It's human nature - they just can't help themselves. I'll come clean and admit I've done it myself, although I really try to bite my tongue.

'Bite your tongue??? Well I remember the time when somthing WAY worse happened to me let me tell you'.....and then they proceed to tell you.

'Twisted your ankle you say??? Well, I remember once when I broke my leg'....

You get the idea.

'Traffic??? Ha, you don't know traffic'....hmm, apparently not.

Next week I am getting my wisdom teeth out - my impacted wisdom teeth that is.
'Wisdom teeth you say???? Weeeelllll, I remember the time when I got MY wisdom teeth out'....and then they proceed to go into the horror of it in phenomenal detail. Seriously. Graphically.

So now my preoccupation is with whether I'm going to have something called 'drysockets', or 'excessive whatever' and 'adequate anaesthesia'....

Ignorance is bliss - I can now say that I am not ignorant!!!

'Doc, make sure you have enough knock out drugs okay?'
'Knock out drugs???? WEEeeeellll, I can tell you about the time when I didn't have enough for the patient I was working on.....'



Unknown said...

I don't need to tell you anything about my wisdom teeth. You were there. 'nuff said.

Joanne said...

I can't say a word.... I still have mine in my mouth... so no horror stories from me.... hope all goes well.... fingers crosses and a couple of eyes as well he he

Unknown said...

Everything will be sooo much better after its done..Today they make everything painless and a breeze..Wish I was there to hold your hand.. xx00mom..and yes I had one done...heee