Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tripping over the Feet

What's that saying???...'put your best foot forward'....
Well, I think I'm lacking in that department with regards to the upkeep on my blahg.

What's the other saying??? 'the best laid plans'....
[insert the 'tell it to the hand' gesture]

I did have all these grandiose plans for 2008...more blahgs, more pics, more more more....

Right now it's more like stumbling instead of the best foot forward thing...there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for the things I want to accomplish. Maybe as Rip Torn says in the movie 'Men in Black' I should be operating on the alien system of a 36 hour day!

I'll get round to it - eventually.

Bear with me - I'm having enough of a time bearing with myself!!!! heehee

The house is still in the process of being unpacked and trying to find place for everything, I need to think 'baby steps'.....okay, here I go.....crap!!!!! my fingers just tripped over the keyboard!


Unknown said...

BABY!!!....just baby step..thats sounds good to me..take care of yourself..there is only

Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

Okay, I am guessing that you moved!! You could post some before n after pics for all us nosey people!!! Looking forward to Saturday!!!