Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hanging On

I submitted this photo to 'The International Library of Photography' before Christmas...but somehow I think I ended up with something more along the lines of Publisher's Clearing House.

I enjoy taking pictures. The pictures I'm most comfortable taking are of landscapes, flora, fauna, wildlife...I know I would never make a portrait photographer, and I'm fine with that, I do it for the enjoyment - not for anything else.

So I get this email, and snail mail saying that my 'photograph was selected for publication because of its unique perspective and my artistic vision'...puh-leez. I can tell when someone is blowing proverbial smoke you-know-where. I know some of the shots I take aren't bad, but this is a bit over the top.
So now (from what they are saying) I guess my photo is going to be in a coffee table book....and for only $69.95 yes you too can own a copy....see where I'm going with this? I feel like they are pandering my photo back to me. Very bizarro.

And since the selection committee has 'advanced my entry to the finals of the Animal/Pets category in the International Open Amateur Photography Category', wouldn't I love to be there in Las Vegas at their national convention and be there in person to receive (possibly) my 'award'? yes! for only the cost of flight, hotel and food... Good Grief! If I want a vacation, Las Vegas would not be my first choice.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll keep snapping away and make postcards or something. :)

So if you like that particular photo, please feel free to right click and download it to your computer...and I won't be charging you $69.95.

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