Wednesday, February 4, 2009

That's "!T"!!!

My six year old precocious one brings home spelling lists on a weekly basis.
We've had word groups that end in 'um', 'ar', 'am' - that kind of thing.
He's gotten into the habit of 'adding' extra words to increase his marks, like last week he got 16/9 because he added 7 extra words in the word group...competitive? wherever would he have gotten that from?
So last week was the 'it' group (you can probably guess where this is going...)
'So how was your test, bud?'
'Good! I got extra bonus points!'
'That's excellent!', says I.
'Yeah, and XXXXX (his buddy in class) got extra points too, but he also lost points for inappropriate words...', he says cheerfully...
Hmm, as my mind wanders, I ask myself, do I want to know?....probably not, but Paden is chomping at the bit..
'The teacher says that sh!t and tw!t are words but didn't get counted because they're inappropriate....

I struggled to keep a straight face and failed miserably.


Unknown said...

OHHH I was reading an my mind was in the right place .I thought maybe Paden had sum extra words . I am sure he could think of sum , given the chance.. Too funny, but not surprising.. xx00

Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

haha! But if they are in the dictionary..they should count!?!
They are lots of inappropriate words in the dictionary, but we still use them!